Handmade Electronic Music


Dear Reader: due to the impact of Covid 19 on Routledge's design team, their website for the brand new third edition of Handmade Electronic Music will not be ready in the time for the book release. Oh no oh no! I have stepped out of the hammock and into the breach, and I've hammered out a crude stopgap alternative containing some version of almost all the material that will be available eventually on the official site:
  • Project Support: Data files and supplementary texts for projects included in the printed book.
  • Technical Bootcamp: Four chapters of essential information on core electronic components.
  • Circuit Bending: Five chapters on basic Circuit Bending.
  • Culture & History: A dozen essays on the hacking scenes from around the globe. The soul of the book.
  • Video Tutorials: Thirteen short video tutorials guiding you through projects from the book.
  • Video/Audio Gallery: Over 100 short video and audio clips from hackers around the world.
  • I apologize for the quality of the current site: lo-res scans from the previous editions and clunky pdf layouts of illustrated essays. This was written in three days in html on a text editor (not even WordPress!) Probably won't work on a phone, only a computer browser. I am neither a graphic designer nor a webmeister. Please be patient and check back at this URL in a few months for the official Routledge version. The experience will be worth the wait!

    Questions? Email the author: nc (at) handmadeelectronicmusic (dot) com